Tuesday 14 May 2024

Imran Khan’s message from jail (13.05.2024)


Imran Khan’s message from jail (13.05.2024)

1- It is the misfortune of this country that a self-proclaimed King has taken hold of all the decision making. When the government is given to people lacking democratic mandate, the country becomes an epicentre of corruption and chaos. The chaos that is seen in Kashmir today is likely to spread across Pakistan. Form 47 non-democratic governments have been established in the entire country. When a government is elected democratically, it is backed by the people. People value their elected government and if any issues arises, it is resolved through dialogue. On the contrary, people place no trust in the imposed governments in Gilgit-Baltistan, Azad Kashmir, Punjab and Pakistan; hence the widespread unrest and frustration. Further backlash will ensue against Form 47 governments when the budget is announced. Unfortunately, an artificial set-up has been imposed on the people in the country. Caretaker Prime Minister Kakar and Commissioner of Rawalpindi have exposed the true nature of this government. This government has absolutely no authority. An unconstitutional institution like SIFC has been imposed on Pakistan and no one dares to question. It was established with the sole purpose of bringing investments, while the Pakistan Business Council has openly stated that investors are withdrawing their investments instead of investing into the country. On the one hand, the nation was misled with the false hopes of the agricultural revolution and on the other hand, wheat importation to embezzle billions of rupees, has devastated the wheat farmer economically. In this bogus setup, the government is given to those who have all their wealth lying outside in the form of dollars. A leader has to make sacrifices and this group of Nawaz and Zardari will not sacrifice under any circumstances nor will they bring their money back to the country. General Musharraf and later ISI provided details to everyone including me on their looted money and today they have been imposed on us and their corruption charges are being cleared. The purpose of imposing this fake system on the nation is only to increase the power of this one man who has destroyed the entire country for his personal power. The Hamudur Rahman Commission report had made it clear how one man, Yahya Khan, allowed the country to break up to increase his personal power. Every citizen should study the Hamudur Rahman Commission Report and get to know who was the traitor between Yahya Khan and Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. I am currently in prison because if I am free, it will challenge the power of that one person. The way the chairman of Pakistan's largest political party and Pakistan's most awarded person was abducted from the High Court on May 9 morning was meant to provoke the people. Despite the video I posted that morning, clearly stating my willingness to cooperate if presented with an arrest warrant, the humiliating abduction was carried out without regard for this request. Prior to 9th May, on 25th May 2022, 3rd November 2022, 8th March 2023, 14th March 2023 and 18th March 2023, attempts were made to target me through brutal use of force against my party, however I and my party remained completely peaceful and continued to advance our legitimate and legal political struggle within the framework of the constitution and law. DG ISPR and Chief of Army Staff are making threatening political statements and involving the army in politics which is tarnishing the image of the army. When political statements and press conferences are held, political parties have the right to respond to them. On the morning of May 9, my illegal abduction from the High Court was part of the London Plan, for which General Asim Munir should apologise to me.

No case can be as ridiculous and stupid as is Al-Qadir Trust case, because the money that was brought back to Pakistan is not only in the national treasury, but the government is also earning billions of rupees profit on it. This money was sent directly to the Supreme Court as a result of the agreement between Malik Riaz and the British National Crime Agency. Neither this money was declared the property of the state of Pakistan in any court nor was it declared a crime proceeding in any court. According to the official data, from the end of 2019 to May 2023, the government of Pakistan has earned a profit of 13 billion 94 crore rupees on this money returned to the country, while the data of the profit earned from May 2023 onwards to date is yet to be released. Like Shaukat Khanum and Namal, Al Qadir Trust is not owned by me or my family nor have I personally benefited from it. The complete management and administration of Al-Qadir University, established on a desolate and desert land to provide free education to poor children on Islamic sciences and modern subjects, is under the responsibility of the trust, which is not owned by me or any of my family members. The motivations behind this absurd case are entirely political in nature. Zardari and Nawaz Sharif are not building trusts for public welfare, rather establishing their own empires, while the military occupied NAB waives proven cases against them and their children. I have never seen a more shameless person than the Chief Election Commissioner who conducted the most rigged election in history, on which institutions like FAFEN and PILDAT gave their detailed observations and called these elections rigged. It was the responsibility of the Chief Justice and the Chief Election Commissioner to investigate the confessions made by Rawalpindi Commissioner and Caretaker Prime Minister Anwarul Haq Kakar, but they themselves were part of the whole rigging, as a result, instead of the investigation, the Commissioner who gave the confessional statement disappeared. Remember! This country is my country and I will never leave it. Moreover, any deal is also out of question. Pakistan is being run in a dictatorial manner. Our total revenue is 13.9 trillion rupees, while we have to pay 9.8 trillion rupees annually as interest. The country can never progress with such a punitive use of coercive measures.

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