Tamil Nadu registers pass percentage of 98.74% for class 12, 99.84% for class 10
The class 12 pass rate is higher than the national rate of 87.98%; the class 10 pass percentage is marginally higher than last year’s 99.73% .
The CBSE exams began on February 15 and concluded on April 2. The supplementary exams will be conducted from July 15 onwards.
P.G. Subramanian, principal, Bhavan’s Rajaji Vidyashram, Kilpauk, said the overall results were quite good. “The pass percentage of the region has also gone up this year. The results this year have been better than last year too,” he said.
Meanwhile, teachers in the city have also pointed out that the centums scored this year have come down.
N. Vijayan, founder-correspondent of Zion Group of Schools also stated that while the pass percentage of the State and region have gone up, the number of centums scored by the students have come down considerably.
A. Lakshmi Prabha, senior principal, Prasan Vidya Mandir, said, “Centums in physics and Mathematics have come down as the papers were difficult but many have scored centums in Chemistry. It’s good that the results have all come out in a timely manner, as these children will also be on a par with others for college admissions.”
Class 10 results
In the class 10 exams, Tamil Nadu registered a 99.84% pass rate, a slight increase from last year’s 99.73%. Again, the Chennai region came third in the country with 98.47%. The national pass percentage stood at 93.6%. The class X exams began on February 15 and concluded on March 13. In Tamil Nadu, 51,880 boys and 43,558 girls wrote the Class X exams. Girls outperformed boys in this year’s examination with a pass percentage of 99.91 while boys were at 99.79%.
Students can access their results through any of the four CBSE websites: www.cbse.gov.in; www.cbseresults.nic.in; www.results.digilocker.gov.in and www.umang.gov.in. Students can access their result documents through the Digilocker app, while the printed marksheets will be available at their schools.
As the results were announce, CBSE will also be running a counselling service from May 14 and students can call 1800-11-8004 for information and other help regarding overcoming mental stress.